Texas Authors Insitute of History, Inc.

Plan Your Book Publishing & Release Calendar

Jul 06, 2024By Texas Authors Institute
Texas Authors Institute

Here is a simple guide to planninHg your book marketing tour.  A more detailed article will appear in the October issue of the Texas Authors Magazine.

Plan Your Book Publishing & Release Calendar 

Are you ready to publish your new book? Successful publishing requires a well-structured calendar to ensure every step is taken care of. Here’s how to plan your schedule effectively:

Set Your Publication Date 

Choose a realistic release date, allowing ample time for each phase of the publishing process.

Create a Backward Timeline 

Start from your publication date and work backward, marking key milestones on your calendar.

Writing & Editing 

Writing Deadline: Set a date to complete your manuscript.
First Draft Review: Allocate 2-3 weeks for self-editing.
Professional Editing: Schedule 4-6 weeks for a professional editor to review and provide feedback.

Cover Design & Formatting 

Cover Design: Book a cover designer 3-4 months in advance. Plan 2-4 weeks for the design process.

Formatting: Set aside 2-3 weeks for formatting your book for print, eBook, and audiobook formats.

Pre-Launch Marketing 

Book Teasers: Start sharing snippets and cover reveals 3 months before the release.

ARC Distribution: Send out Advance Reader Copies 2-3 months before the release for reviews and feedback.

Media Outreach: Begin contacting bloggers, influencers, and media outlets 2 months before the release.

Final Preparations 

Proofreading: Schedule a final proofread 1-2 months before the release.

Upload to Retailers: Upload your book to online retailers 1 month before the release to ensure everything is in order.

Launch Week 

Launch Event: Plan your launch event (virtual or in-person) for the release day or week.

Social Media Blitz: Post across all social media platforms, engage with followers, and host giveaways.

Post-Launch Activities 

Follow-Up Marketing: Continue promoting your book through interviews, podcasts, and book tours.

Monitor Sales & Reviews: Keep track of sales and gather reviews to understand reader feedback.

Adjust & Reflect 

Review Your Plan: After the launch, review what worked well and what could be improved for next time.

Celebrate Success: Take time to celebrate your accomplishment and thank those who supported you.

By breaking down the process into manageable steps and scheduling them on your calendar, you’ll stay organized and focused. Good luck, and happy publishing!