Texas Authors Insitute of History, Inc.

Welcome to our Authors page!

Here, you'll find access to the diverse array of Texas Authors featured in our online museum. While many of the listed authors are contemporary, our dedication extends to uncovering and honoring literary voices from the past 200 years, ensuring their inclusion within our museum's space.

If you're aware of any living or historical Texas authors who deserve recognition, please don't hesitate to share their information with us. With an estimated count of over 77,000 Texas Authors, every contribution matters as we strive to represent a broader spectrum within our museum. You can easily send us their details via email at [email protected].

For aspiring authors seeking publication opportunities, we offer various programs designed to support and guide them on their journey. Additionally, we host a stimulating short story contest tailored for Texas students, aimed at nurturing the next generation of writers.

We warmly welcome any form of support, whether it be your time, energy, or crucially, financial assistance, to sustain the vitality of our museum. Unlike most Texas Museums, we don't have access to State funding, making individual and corporate donations invaluable to our operations.

To explore the multitude of Texas Authors within our database, simply click here to be redirected to our secondary website housing detailed author profiles and information.

Thank you for standing with us in support of Texas Authors! Your contribution ensures that their legacy endures for generations to come.