Texas Authors Insitute of History, Inc.

How many Texas Authors do you Estimate There are?

Apr 27, 2024By Texas Authors Institute
Texas Authors Institute

Currently, our museum's website features nearly 1,200 authors in our database. However, this represents just a fraction of the estimated 77,000 Texas authors, both past and present. In fact, only 1.5% of these authors are currently included in our system

We're reaching out to you for assistance

Becoming a basic member of the Texas Authors Institute of History is entirely FREE. Please encourage every Texas author you know to submit their author photo, biography, and a link to their preferred website. By doing so, you're not only helping them but also contributing to the preservation of the rich literary heritage of Texas

Authors can submit their information to [email protected] and start enjoying the benefits of being featured in our unique museum. No other state boasts a museum like ours, and it continues to improve with each passing year. Not New York. Not California. No other state can compare

As you come across new authors, direct them our way. We want to ensure that they have the opportunity to thrive, just like you.

If you're aware of any authors who have passed away, please share whatever information you have about them. We'll conduct the necessary research to include them in our collection.

Thank you for your assistance in supporting your fellow Texas authors.